Dental cleaning
Full exam (duration 1h30)
For your first visit to our clinic, we carry out a complete dental cleaning examination, we ask that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled time of your appointment in order to complete your medical questionnaire. The dental hygienist will then discuss your medical and dental history with you. This is when you can tell us about your fears, concerns or expectations regarding dental treatment. Our team is accustomed to dealing with a varied clientele.
During this first appointment, we will take a panoramic x -ray and specific x-rays that we deem necessary depending on the condition of your teeth. These X-rays are very important so that the dentist can make a complete diagnosis of the general condition of your mouth.
The dental hygienist then uses a tool called a diagnodent , a small laser that is passed over the tops of the teeth to assess caries activity. The diagnodent allows us to detect tooth decay at an early stage and can therefore be treated in a less invasive way. We can also take photos using our intraoral camera and project them on the screen next to the chair to show you particular problems in your mouth. Nothing better than an image to understand the need for treatment.
The dental hygienist will then proceed to the scaling and polishing of all your teeth in order to eliminate tartar, dental plaque and stains. It sometimes happens depending on the amount of tartar that we had to see you in 2 visits. Dental cleaning ends with the passage of dental floss and an application of fluoride. The visit ends with the visit of the dentist who establishes a complete diagnosis on the state of your teeth. We will be able to set up a treatment plan according to your needs and inform you of the necessary treatments.
Recall exam (duration 1 hour)
During your reminder cleaning examination, we begin the session by checking your health and dental history in order to note any changes in the file. This is also a good time to tell us about any pain or concerns about your teeth. Afterwards, the dental hygienist will perform scaling and polishing to remove tartar, plaque and stains from your teeth. Dental cleaning ends with the passage of dental floss and an application of fluoride. The visit ends with the visit of the dentist who establishes a diagnosis and informs you of the necessary treatments.
How often should I have my dental cleaning exam?
The frequency of dental cleanings varies from 4 to 12 months. It all depends on your hygiene habits and your oral condition.
During your dental cleaning examinations, we are able to determine the frequency you personally need.
If you neglect to come regularly for your dental cleaning examinations, your gums may be greatly affected. Moreover , gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
At the Centre de Haute technologie dentaire Lachenaie, we believe that good dental hygiene and regular check-ups with your dentist are a guarantee of good dental health. Contact us to schedule your next visit to our clinic.